There are many lies being told through false advertising by the homosexual lobby claiming Amendment 2 will invalidate domestic partnerships and deny benefits to seniors. By deceiving voters, a group called, Florida Red & Blue hopes to overcome support for the marriage amendment.
Amendment 2 is about marriage and only marriage. It is not about domestic partnerships, denying benefits to seniors or civil rights. This amendment will take the traditional definition of marriage - between one man and one woman - from our state law and put it under the jurisdiction of our state constitution. This will prevent socialist, activist judges, in the future, from redefining marriage in our state. The homosexual lobby is trying to say this is not necessary because we already have 4 different laws on our books regarding marriage. However, as you've seen, lawyers and the courts can easily twist the law to suit their own ends. Just take a look at what is happening in California, Massachusetts and most recently in Connecticut. These states also had laws on their books but are now forced to recognize homosexual marriage because the courts in those states over ruled the will of the people.
As James Smith says in the October 16, 2008 edition of the Florida Baptist Witness,
"This is not an academic, esoteric debate. The Florida Marriage Protection Amendment (also known as Amendment 2) is Floridians chance to settle the definition of marriage in our state before a few judges decide it otherwise."
Here is how Justice Richard N. Palmer of the Connecticut Supreme Court reinterpreted their marriage laws,
"Interpreting our state constitutional provisions in accordance with firmly established equal protection principles leads inevitable to the conclusion that gay persons are entitled to marry the otherwise qualified same sex partner of their choice. To decide otherwise would require us to apply one set of constitutional principles to gay persons and another to all others."
Smith finishes his column by saying, "For those who doubt it is necessary to protect the definition of marriage in the state constitution, the ramifications of these decisions can be seen in Massachusetts where children are being indoctrinated with homosexual propaganda in public schools - even against the wishes of their parents - because the state is now required to allow gay marriage."
Folks, on Nov 4 when you go to vote, be sure to VOTE FOR Amendment 2. The future of our state may very well lie in the balance. See the poster below for some additional info. (Just click on the image to view a larger size.)
God bless

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