Our opponents are desperate and are now playing dirtier than ever because we are closer than ever to victory. The new Mason Dixon poll out today shows that we are gradually gaining steam and have moved from 55% to 57%. But we are still not at the 60% needed for a victory protect marriage in Florida on November 4th. And because we are within striking distance the opposition has become more desperate than ever because even their own phony scare tactic messages are not working. So they are resorting to anything goes -- below the belt campaigning. The hostility from the oppostion is showing absolutely no regard for the law, the rules, or fair play. Here are some examples of what we are facing: 1) Destruction of Campaign Signs and Personal Property: Around the state, reports are pouring in that our opponents are trespassing on private home yards to steal and deface yes2Marriage.org signs. Hundreds of our YesOn2 yard signs have suddenly disappeared in the night. A Miami woman reported to us that her car was keyed all around where she placed a bumper sticker. An Ormond Beach family had feces smeared and dumped on top of their yard sign. In North Florida, a bill board was vandalized and defaced and had to be replaced. 2) Filing Frivolous Complaints: The Red and Blue committee has filed bogus complaints against us with the Florida Elections Commission, saying we are “hiding secret money” and violating the rules regarding election laws. Do you think it is just coincidence that only days before this election they decided to start whining and complaining about Florida Family Action, a group that has been operating legally now for the past 4 years of this campaign? 3) Outright False and Fraudulent Claims in TV Ads: In every single one of their TV ads they say that the marriage amendment is “government interfering with your private life.” What??? This is a citizen’s initiative where three quarters of a million Floridians placed this matter on the ballot so that the people can stop the government and activist judges from redefining marriage. Their TV ads are filled with lies, scare tactics and outright fraud. 4) Media Bias that is Stunning and Unprecedented: The bias in the media we have seen is simply unbelievable. All sense of fairness and objectivity is out the door. We announce the endorsement of the entire Florida Catholic Bishops in favor of 2 and not a single daily newspaper covers the story. Not one! But our opponents just sneeze and or file a frivolous complaint against us and a major story appears in every single daily newspaper. Every one! 5) We Are Being Outspent Three to One: In the last reporting cycle, over 75 percent of our opponents’ money is coming from outside of Florida, from special interest groups trying to tell us how to define marriage in this state. We must have a final surge of funds to compete with our opponents and respond to their deceptive messaging. But despite their huge cash and liberal media advantage, we are on the verge of winning! That’s why they are resorting to such desperate and dirty tactics. We will not be deterred, but we must reach even more Floridians with our message -- and to do that we must have a final surge of funds to compete with our opponents and respond to their deceptive ads. Friend, I am asking personally for your help in the final days before this vote. Campaigns will come and go. But it is perhaps once in a lifetime that we get the opportunity to preserve a human institution as important as marriage. This is truly our moment in history. I personally just want to wake up on November 5th and be able to look myself in the mirror and be called “faithful.” Would you prayerfully consider making one final contribution to this historical effort today to help us ensure victory right now with our secure online paypal HERE? Even this close to the election, we can still immediately purchase the following tools. 1) Television Ads: A $900 gift can buy 1 TV ad reaching about 40,000 people. Our ads are airing now in planned markets but we need to immediately place them in other markets also. 2) Targeted Radio Ads: A $100 gift can buy 3 radio ads reaching 200,000 people. We have ads running in South Florida but need to increase the reach around the state in strategic areas. 3) Automated Phone Calls: A $30 gift can buy 600 automated calls to Florida undecided voters. These calls can be turned around in hours after we receive the funds for them. As you know, Florida has a history of close elections and it appears that this election for the marriage amendment will be no different. Your participation could very well make the difference between victory and defeat here in Florida. I would be happy to provide you with any further information or answer any questions in writing, by phone or in person.  Thank you for considering this important request for assistance. Sincerely, John Stemberger PS - Your gift might be the one that puts us over the top in this razor close vote to protect our children by protecting marriage. Give online HERE: PSS- If you can not give financially but can volunteer your time we need help in every county with phone banks, posting yard signs and sign waiving in front of precincts for early voting and on election day November 4. Contact your local county leader HERE: |
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