Friday, February 8, 2008

The McCain Debacle

After witnessing this McCain fiasco I just couldn't stand it anymore and decided it was time for me to weigh in.

I have been a Republican all my life and have always voted my conservative values. But this primary has just completely boggled my mind. It is absolutely amazing to me how stupid the masses of the Republican party really are.

I have to hand it to the Dems and the media, they played their McCain cards perfectly. I just can't believe that the only ones who saw this debacle coming were the voices of talk radio and they were completely ignored by their base.

Why do you think the Liberals wanted McCain to win? Didn't anyone stop to think what the reason might be that the media kept gloating over McCain and beating up Rommney & Huckabee??? I just can't believe no one, except the talk radio folks, had any clue about what was happening.

One thing we must always keep in mind as conservatives, whenever we have an issue on the table or a man or woman running for office and the Communist News Network (CNN) tends to run stories in support of them, something is wrong. When the left wing media in this country is touting our guy, we need to take a closer look at why.

So why did the Libs want McCain?? Two reasons:

1) He'll be very easy to beat, even for Hillary. With all McCain's flip flopping on issues, his constant abandoning Republicans in Congress to work with the Left, and his bashing of the Conservative base, half of the Republican party won't even support him. This will give the liberal media plenty of ammunition to use against him for the next 9 months as they slowly but surely destroy his reputation. Therefore, it won't really matter who the Libs put up in the race, their man or woman will win.

2) Because even should McCain pull off a miracle and win the election, it will be just like putting a Liberal in office anyway. He bashes conservative ideals, he goes out of his way to work with Libs, he votes against his own party at almost every turn etc. See the libs know that putting McCain in office will be like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. He'll inevitably do what the Dems want him to do anyway. So they've effectively covered all their bases.

It is amazing how easy it was for the left wing media to pull the wool over the eyes of Republican voters. Rush seems to think the American people are smart. I tend to disagree, well, maybe 20 years ago, but after what I've just witnessed I have to agree with the left wingers, people are easily led astray. No one thinks for themselves any more. No one will research the issues or politicians to find out what they really stand for. We all just sit idly by and wait for the media to spoon feed us what we should believe. It really is a sad state of affairs today.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hanity and others have been warning about McCain for months now and it seems no one has listened. Mark my words, when this election is over, no matter which of the 3 liberals is in office, people are going to be walking around all bleary eyed saying, "Rush was right, Rush was right."

God bless


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