During the president's address in New Hampshire the other day, he continued to press for his health care reform bill which is floundering in the polls. Amazingly, he misquotes AARP and uses a little girl in the audience, who is a plant, to ask a ridiculous sobbing question. It was so ridiculous that it was uncovered by the very liberal Boston Globe. They found that the girls mother is kathleen Manninghall who was the coordinator of the "Massachusetts Women for Obama" during the election campaign.
Liberals can't seem to understand why everyone is so angry. They think its all because of Obamacare and yes that is a big part of it. However the anger is increasing more and more because of the self righteous, arrogant attitude of the members of the House and Senate who are treating citizens like little children and not taking their concerns seriously.
Democrats just "poo poo" everyone's concerns because none of them have read the bill and therefore are unable to respond to people coherently and correctly on the issue. People want a truthful response but are being lied to by those who are supposed to be representing them. Especially when it concerns 1/7 of the US economy with life and death decisions hanging in the balance. Its truly amazing to watch some of these town hall meetings where a citizen will ask a question, directly from the bill, and the congressman will flat out deny that its in there.
Its just truly stunning to see how backwards our country has become. The US government is supposed to be, "of the people, by the people and for the people", not the other way around. Our politicians are supposed to govern, not rule. They are to serve "we the people" not we the people serving them. It seems as if no matter who we send to Washington, once they get inside the Beltway, its like they enter the Twilight Zone and completely forget why they were elected in the first place and the people who sent them there.
Enjoy the video of O'reilly calling the Obama administration on their antics.
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